

Welcome to the Confidential API Off-Chain Worker documentation!

This library allows a Substrate-based blockchain to securely fetch external API data while keeping sensitive API keys off-chain.

Key Features

Secure API Key Storage – API keys are stored off-chain and never exposed on-chain.
Automatic Execution – Runs on every finalized block via Substrate’s off-chain worker.
Secure API Calls – Fetch external data without exposing credentials.
On-Chain Data Submission – Bring fetched data back on-chain via signed transactions.
No-Std Compatible – Designed for Substrate's no_std runtime.

How It Works

1️⃣ API Key Stored Off-Chain → The API key is securely stored in the off-chain worker's local storage.
2️⃣ Off-Chain Worker Runs Every Block → The worker automatically executes on block finalization.
3️⃣ Fetch External Data → It retrieves the API key securely and queries an external API.
4️⃣ Process Response → It validates and logs the response.
5️⃣ Submit Data On-Chain (Optional) → If needed, it submits a signed transaction containing the fetched data.

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